An intuitive interpretation of the beta distribution
First of all this text is not just about an intuitive perspective on the beta distribution but at least as much about the idea of looking behind a measured empirical probability and thinking of it as a...
View ArticleThe tf-idf-Statistic For Keyword Extraction
The tf-idf-statistic (“term frequency – inverse document frequency”) is a common tool for the purpose of extracting keywords from a document by not just considering a single document but all documents...
View ArticleRelation of Word Order and Compression Ratio and Degree of Structure
Having a habit of compulsively wondering approximately every 34.765th day about how zip compression (bzip2 in this case) might be used to measure information contained in data – this time the question...
View ArticleGermans used to have more Sex in Summer!
Wow – what a headline … okay, I admit it’s phrased quite sensational given that it anticipates just one possible interpretation of increasingly more births around summer / autumn compared to in spring...
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